And we are back fellow gamers and painters.. and this time with the Dark Eldar Archon. Leader of the Incubi. Or at least he is in this case...

Again, I tried for the same kind of color scheme as the Incubi, but slightly different. I really wanted to go with a dark armor and have the cloak and the flames hold focus. Kind of like he is more int he shadows then in the fights themselves.

Then his blade I tried to make it an off bone type coloring. Like he carved it from a dead enemy.

And the purple cloak.. just cause the others have it also.

Biggest thing here was that to really try to make some BAM effects from the cloak. So I tried to do all the way down to smallest highlights in order to make the holes, and tars really pop out.

So that is another commission finished.. and put away.. now to get back to others and the Dwarf Bust. The infamous Dwarf Bust that will consume quite a bit of my time in the coming weeks... but I think it will be my best piece to date.. or at least I hope so :)