Good evening (well, at least it is when I am writing this) and welcome to something of a rarity here on the Realms of Chaos 80s. A completed painted model by yours truly! When I say model, I should really say models, as there are three of them, but together they make up a rather satisfying whole. 

Eagle-eyed readers way very well remember me starting this model some months back, when I had acquired it and the Plague Cart rather cheaply on 'Not actually that Evilbay'. Here's a quick shot of what I started out with. 

And here is the finished version. Its taken me quite some time to get the pieces of this lovely model together, and there are a couple of small details that I may go back to in the future, but generally I am happy with the result. All the cart needs now are some actual adventurers to wander around after it, or indeed before it!

As always, feel free to post your thoughts, comments and suggestions.
