Last Saturday Scott (@_wee_men) and I decided to play a cheeky wee 2250pts Winter War practice game using our lists. I rocked out my ridiculously huge OnG army (List below) which takes up a frighteningly large amount of board space (I've played games with smaller 3000pt forces!). Scott brought a renegade WoC army with no Daemon Prince (shock and indeed horror!!!). It was a great laugh of a game (for me lol!) and I really enjoyed getting the Orcs out on the field!

OnG List:
LVL4 Savage Orc Great Shaman

Black Orc BSB
Night Goblin LVL 1 Shaman

38 Savage Orc Big Uns (extra hws)
5x Wolf Boyz (spears, shields, light armour)
5x Wolf Boyz (spears, shields, light armour)

3 Wolf Chariots
3 Wolf Chariots
Boar Chariot
Boar Chariot
8 Trolls

Mangler Squig
Mangler Squig
Doom Diver
Doom Diver
Rock Lobba (With Orc Bully)

WoC List:
LVL4 Nurgle Sorcerer (on Nurgle)

Nurgle BSB on foot

19 Nurgle Warriors with Halberds
5 Warhounds
5 Warhounds
5 Marauder Horsemen, Flails, throwing axes, Slaanesh

Nurgle Gorebeast Chariot
9 Nurgle Knights

3 Skull Crushers

Deployment is as above/below images!

Turn 1 WoC
Scott won first turn and did the usual WoC thing and surged forwards at my lines. In the magic phase he reduced the toughness of one of the Wolf Chariot units to 2 but other than that nothing of note happened. In the Shooting phase the hellcannon bombarded the Savage Orcs killing 8 and the marauder cav killed a wolf boy with their throwing axes.

Turn 1 OnG
All my units behaved themselves and the boar chariot charged the flank of the marauder cav who held. One Wolf chariot charged a unit of warhounds. The rest of my movement was posturing and blocking with the wolf riders. The manglers move up to the right of the tower creating a funnel of death! In the magic phase I get off armour piercing on the wolf chariots which charged but fail to cast hand of gork on the other unit (rolled three 1s and a 2!) ending the magic phase. Shooting was, well, awesome! Doom divers killed 6 knights and the rocklobba one shotted the gorebeast (TAKE IT OFF!). In combat the boar chariot kills 3/5 maruaders which miraculously hold! The wolf chariots destroy the warhounds and overrun into the warrior block behind (impacts ftw!).

Turn 2 WoC 
Scott declares a sneaky double charge which I missed and allowed his skull crushers to flanks charge the boar chariot. The warhounds charge the wolf boyz aswell clearing the way for the crushers. Somewhat cowed by the doom divers scott's knights about face and swift reform away from the mangler madness approaching! In the magic phase scott fails to cast anything of significance. The Hell cannon scatters off the board with its shot. In combat skull crushers unsurprisingly destroy the boar chariot but over run out into the ether. The marauder cav reforms to weather the impending charges from wolf boys. The warhounds die to the wolf boyz and are run but escape wolf boy justice. The chariot impacts kill 10 (TEN!!) warriors with impacts are are mercilessly cut down in return but the warrior block is much reduced!  

Turn 2 OnG
The trolls reform to face the crushers for the following turn charge possibility. The wolf boyz charge the marauder cav, one dies to stand and shoot. One mangler rolls amazingly well and hit both the knights and the warriors wiping out both leaving the BSB and Sorcerer solo. In the magic phase I get off fists of gork on my Shaman, I cast hand of gork on one doom diver (cheekily taking it out of charge arc of the crushers ;) ). I then irresistably cast foot of gork on the crushers (only the basic one, im a fool!) which kills one and then my shaman goes down a hole :( (I blame proximity to Scott). By this stage it looks very dire for Scott and I decide to relent a little and shoot his hell cannon with my warmachines rather than his sorcerer/|BSB (for fun we rolled this as I would have in a tournament, he died lol!) and kill all but one chaos dwarf handler and put a wound on the cannon itself. In combat i break and run down the marauder cav. 

Turn 3 WoC
With very little left, Scott moves his skullcrushers into charge arc of the trolls for the next turn and the sorcerer/BSB move up. The Hell cannon fails its restrain test and barrels TOWARDS a mangler! In the magic phase Scott decides to cast the nurgle votrx but it falls short of my remaining chariot unit. No combat to speak of.

Turn 3 OnG
Amazingly the trolls pass their stupidity test on leadership 4(BSB ftw!!) and charge the crushers. The manglers go nuts and kill both the sorcerer and reduce the BSB to one wound. I dont bother casting any magic and go go straight to shooting where one doom diver misfires (no ill effects) and the other kills the BSB and the rock lobba does another wound to the hell cannon. The trolls kill the skull crushers over two turns of vomiting only losing one of their number.

We call it there again and  even with the loss of my general/lvl4 I still got a solid 20-0 the hellcannon would die in the next few turns with the possibility of killing a few of the warmachines. Really this game illustrated the incredibly efficiency of OnG against armoured elite armies, the sheer number of units and threats I can fit in 2250 is incredible however I do worry that leadership 8 and lots of fragile units will be a problem vs Elves, DoC or Lizards we shall see however. Against such armies I will rely alot more on Foot of Gork and sorry to say it but 6 dicing it against bunkers every turn then nuking them with artillery will be my best "strategic" option. All that said I really love the army and now that I am using actual painted models rather than pixels I am bloody excited to get more games in!