I was fortunate enough to get hold of the Warzone Resurrection rulebook for Mutant Chronicles today after the kind gentlemen from Prodos Games dropped them off at Titan Games...

As some-one who has a shelf full of rulebooks for various game systems I freely admit that I've seen everything from awesome to...not so awesome...I've seen varying qualities in the areas of artwork quality, section ordering and you'd be surprised at some of the most elementary mistakes in spelling, misdirected page numbers (or just plain missing ones) that sneak through so I'm on the critical side when it comes to rulebook reviews...given that the pdf for this system that I'd been working from had some issues with lay-out I was ready for anything...

Imagine my surprise when the Warzone Resurrection book exceeded all my expectations by a significant margin. The book has what I can only describe as an unusually luxurious feel to it and is amazing quality in all cosmetic areas as well as having an extremely user friendly lay-out, excellent art quality and has the feel of something that has been prepared with significant care on the designers part...I haven't found any spelling mistakes yet, either, lol.

Here's some pictures from the inside together with a few observations...

As I mentioned above, the book is well laid out. Background is at the beginning, followed by a comprehensive and clear rule section with specific rules for each faction at the end together with some additional background material specific to them.

Each faction's respective section is in a slightly different style that represents their individual styling...

Each unit entry has some well written and suitably inspirational background material as well as a clear and concise listing of it's statistics, armament and abilities...here's a couple of examples...

Every entry has (at the very least) one picture of the unit and these are in a variety of styles depending on faction...again here's a few examples for your perusal...

As you can see this is a high quality example of how a rulebook should be done and it's not particularly expensive either...especially when compared to a certain other games companies. I'll also be having an in-depth look at the actual rules system itself over the next few weeks but don't worry...all the usual features will still be happening as well.....

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.