This weekend was WarStore Weekend here in NJ and seeing as I've heard so much about it, it got cheaper this year and it's literally the next town over from me, I just had to go.  It was really fun finally having some aspect of the gaming community as a whole acknowledging NJ exists and everyone involved put on a great convention.

Day 1: Friday.  There wasn't too much going on Friday.  I was there at about Noon, which was when the event was scheduled to open.  I may very well have been the first attendee to arrive as the only ones there were sitting up.  Still they were cool and I hung around to see things assembled.  That's when I took a shot of the big guy above.  I got to play a demo of a game called Bushido.  It was a fun little skirmish game made by a little studio in Spain.  I enjoyed it and if I had room in my very limited gaming budget and some possible opponents, I'd possibly pick it up.  If you have the means I'd recommend looking at it.  The models were very nice and the rules were engaging.  By then I was able to get my badge and swag bag.  They put some cool stuff in there.  i got an OOP fantasy Necromancer, a ship that's either from dystopian wars or uncharted seas...I haven't looked up yet (wish it was a Firestorm ship as that's the Spartan game I'm interested in but luck of the draw I suppose) and 2 good size bags full of bits.

From there I wandered over to the kill team event and spoke to Mike from Berks Gaming Club, who was running it.  I really didn't have much with me, but he brought a few spare armies so I grabbed his Space Marine team and played a few rounds.  While I do prefer the Heralds of Ruin rules for campaign-style games, their modifications to the GW kill team rules made for a fun little event.

By this time, people were filing in, but events were still pretty thin and thanks to working past 9 on Thursday, I was getting tired already.  I wandered over to the painting table, thinking of partaking in the paint and take and instead I spent about an hour picking the brain of an extremely talented painter (whose name I can't remember and I apologize for it)  I talked to him a few times and he was a really decent guy.  He gave me some good pointers I'll have to try out.

At this point I was starting to feel not-too-good so I headed for home.  It was sitting in my living room that I realized I had not had anything to drink for quite some time and had been standing and walking around most of the day so that could have been part of it.  I went to bed early because i had to be back at 8 AM for Mechanicon GT day 1...but that's another story.