Now my moving is limited and quite painful but looking at things positively it gives me some time for the blog and read some excellent comic books (Aldebaran, Murena,...) and enjoy a Hybrid game with Thibo.
The scenario was about the inquisition trying to shut down the gestation tanks by deactivating the heart of the laboratory. Next they had to eliminate all produced clones.
Thibo has a small advantage over me: Sparrow whispering game tactics into his ear.
Mortal combat in the heart of the laboratory. The assassins of the inquisition doing their deadly job in a devastating way.
The flesh pestilences seemed to be hard to catch and to shoot at. On top of that the labo was swarmed by disgusting insects.
The heart of the labo is finally deactivated. The hunt for hybrids can begin!
And this is Euro with my riding instructor.