Yeah.. I am still working on this guy.. yeah.. he is still not finished.. yeah.. here are more photos of him :)

This journey feels like there is no end, thankfully though I am still having fun with the model.

Latest works were on aging the bronze sections of the model. Finishing up the leather pieces ( or at least starting on them? Not sure on the end result still ). Painting the rope parts on the handle. And painting his fingernails.

And somehow I keep getting drawn back into the skin to do more diving. A little bit here, a little bit there. Tint this, tint that.. argh.. it is never ending!!!!! But so much fun to see it at this point and seeing it come together!

Though as stated, I am not 100% sold on the leather sections. I have redone them 3 times already, and they are getting better, but are not exactly what I would like from them. I believe they are a bit too dark still and not popping out as much as they could be, but then again maybe it is better? Since then they will not pull focus too much from other things like the face/skin/scales...

I just have the top ( or bottom ) of the axe handle left to do up. Will age the wood a bit, making it a bit more grey, and weather up the bronze section there also. Then it is just pulling out the axe head, and finishing that up, and technically it could be finished???

Jury is still out on whether or not I should do a tattoo as there are some big empty spaces of skin available to do it on. Will have to research a few celtic/dwarven tats and see what I can come up with for inspiration.

Though the big question is whether or not it will get done due to time. What with me in UK next week, and hopefully going to Izmir to hand it off to its future owner the weekend after ( 22-24 ). Plus there is the plinth I need to finish as well. Need to think on what I will put around the bust on the small round table that Heiko was gracious enough to give me for this piece.. Mmmm wonder if a Roman Checklist should be made at this time... maybe.. will see..

Hope you all like.. and keep your eyes open for more posts on this guy. I suspect that it will be the only piece I will work on in the coming days!