It's been a very long day and I'm quite exhausted, so I just have something of an update for you guys. The best part of being a hobbyist is that there are always new tools to play with. In the past 2 days I've finally gotten two tools I've been really wanting.

The first is a portable lightbox, complete with 2 halogen lights that get ridiculously hot when left on for, I don't know, 5 seconds. I've been wanting one of these for awhile, but I've been trying to make do by making my own janky versions that keep getting destroyed. Lately I've just been using a piece of black foam as a backdrop because it doesn't reflect light as bad as paper, but that only really works for brighter pieces.

I took it for a trial run and photographed all my old Circle pieces.

I need some more light and a better knowledge of picture-taking, but I definitely appreciate the benefits of an actual light box. I'm thinking of using an old computer desk and converting it in to an airbrush/photo table. I have a few adjustable desk lamps that I like to use for painting that could double as lights for the sides and top of my lightbox, and if I can figure out a way to make my airbrush booth collapsible I may actually be able to keep a painting area clean!

The second piece in the photo is obviously a straight razor so I can cut people who beat me in Warmachine.

See you tomorrow!

No really, it's a hobby saw used for hacking the limbs off miniatures. There have been a few conversions I've wanted to try that required me to cut off a head or arm, but it's something that just can't be done with a regular Xacto knife if I hope to get a good cut that doesn't mangle the model. I also have 4 Skorne Gladiator Titans I got in a trade, and I've wanted to hack off the arms and head of two of them and turn one in to a Cannoneer and the other in to Tiberion. Rather than having to risk breaking the model to separate joints that seem very happy to stay together, I can now do a bit of lumberjacking and have 2 models I'll use and all I'll need to buy is the Tiberion upgrade kit. I definitely prefer that to the $75 it'd cost me to buy everything brand new!

So that's what's been happening around here lately. Hooray for new toys!

See you tomorrow for real this time!

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