I am in the home stretch with this one! Let's see how far I got...

Above you can see that I lightened the tongue colors to make it appear more fleshy. Below are the colors I used.
A lot of these steps were all a wet blending blur so I don't have a break down for you this time. Wet blending pros: nice blends and quick results. Wet Blending cons: Not a lot of time to stop for pictures.
Then it was onto the bone. Claws, horns, teeth, etc.
I very quickly did the eyes too which came out great! Yay me!
Next I got cooking with fire  :P  Here is the palette of fire:
And here we go, not many words here when pictures will tell the tale so much better...
Now it is time to put that dragon in her place.
 Not too shabby. So what's left? Shading all that rock, adding the knight and skulls and then throwing down some OSL! Doesn't sound like much huh? Well, it is. However, I learned a few tricks while working on another piece for the Aussie brush fire auction that will help me out. I'll share all that with you soon enough ;)
OooH! And I got some pretty cool Primarchs the other day:
No pictured: Angron, he was delayed by a warp storm :P
Lem, Morty, Konny, Vulk and Gron (not pictured) all arrived. Ironic that Konny's pic came out blurry, given his back story I'm not surprised.

Now, It occurs to me I missed my blog's 1 year anniversary back at the beginning of September. What should I do about that? Movemeber Give Away, duh. This is the prize:
A beautiful bust from Figone (unpainted)! SO, how do you get your hands on this pretty hair lipped lady? Well, as you know Movemeber is that time of year when men grow out their mustaches for a good cause - and women across the globe groan and say "Can't you find another way to help out". So ladies, time for some Fun! Guys, you can still get this bust, but you have to have one of the ladies in your life help you out.
I want to you to send me pictures of the lady in your life, or of yourself if you are a lady, with your best silly Movemeber mustache. The Agent of Chaos and The Lady Inquisitor have provided an example below and will be judging the pictures to choose the winner.

The terms then, shall we?
1) Contest runs for the whole month of Movember. You do not have to be a follower to enter (but I would like it if you followed me - you never know when I might give something cool away, right?)
2) Send me a picture (sgt.zab *at* gmail.com) taken by a WILLING female participant that YOU personally know. Sorry, no candid shots of your old Italian Nona's hairy lip when she ain't looking   -_- Not cool man, not cool.
3) The first post of December I will post all the pictures and announce the winner. The winning picture will be chosen by the ladies pictured above.
4) Send me your shipping address and I will send you the bust.

Okay so that was a long one...~sigh~ Next Post: Um, I'm not really sure. The Aussie Charity mini is sucking up a lot of my time so I'll see what I can get done on Sleeping Chibi, and also I'll show you a great example of why Games Workshop is phasing out Finecast for plastic.

Thank you for stopping by. Good luck in the contest, hit me up with any questions, comments or critiques below and remember; you can't spell paint without a little pain!