Just playing around with list ideas at the moment...

If I'm going to do any kind of undead horde then I'll most likely use Golgotha as my Warlord due to her useful 12" range buffs of +1 Armour and +1 Movement and I probably need a big scary fire magnet but for the same points as the Praetorian Behemoth (320) I can get fifteen Necromutants or more than twenty Undead Legionnaires...

A further issue comes from the limit of four units of troops which means for anything approaching the aforementioned 'horde' I'm going to need maximum sized units.

Lets look at Undead Legionnaires first...

I promise to actually paint these the weekend.....
Maximum squad size is twelve which sets me back 120 points and to make the unit more useful I've found that a Necromutant Leader Squad Commander is almost mandatory so that brings the cost up to 140 points for one useful guy and eleven pretty crappy ones. To make the crappy ones a bit more useful I'm going to give the maximum possible amount of them a weapon upgrades so that'll be four guys with the 8 point HMG upgrade. That makes a viable unit (imo) the following...

Undead Legionnaire x12 (120), Necromutant Squad Leader Upgrade (+20), 4x HMG (+32)   (182)

Total for the maximum four units is 728 points which isn't even half of a 1500 point army.

I'm actually more likely to paint these though...
Necromutants are a bit simpler as a maximum unit of ten is 210 points. Up to four of these (two in five) can be upgrades to a Heavy Plaguedealer (a big Flamer) but I'm not convinced I need four in a squad so I'd probably just  take two for 20 points making a full unit 230 points.

Necromutants x10 (210), Heavy Plaguedealer x2 (+20)   (230)

Four of those comes to 920 points which is a more significant chunk of my points total.

With the aforementioned Golgotha as my Warlord that gives me either...

Golgotha + 44 Undead Legionnaires + 4 Necromutant Leaders for 1003 points or
Golgotha + 40 Necromutants for 1095 points.

With either force I could take a Praetorian Behemoth but I could then only afford 2 (or 1) Razide respectively as additional support.

Actually...I'll probably paint these first now I think about it...
I'm beginning to think that this isn't such a good idea after all.....

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.