Today I stopped by a new gaming shop in town, Chamber of Champions, because my group is soon going to be looking for a new location. I talked to the owner for a bit and he told me that they had nothing for a Warmachine community there. My eyes lit up because that meant my group could help start a community and be responsible for introducing new players to the game!
Many moons ago I talked about how I wanted to become a Press Ganger for Privateer Press. Although it's a volunteer position, I love the idea of coordinating events, running leagues, and basically being responsible for everyone having a great time with the game I love. It's probably the teacher/dungeon master in me, but I always prefer being responsible for working so others can have fun, rather than being "just a player."
This reminded me of Mattie K. Although he used to be a regular player he has become the go-to guy for covering major conventions and tournaments for Warmachine. He was a guest on a podcaster (Removed From Play, I believe) and they were asking him if he'd ever just go and play. I completely empathized with him when he responded that he would rather do something that helped players around the world than just sit down and play. I respect that, and because of the time he spends not gaming he's helped many players enjoy the game even more.
I still have to do some convincing with my group, but I'm so pumped at the prospect of getting to introduce Warmachine to this store. I'm already going over ways to introduce new players, league ideas for larger groups, how much terrain I'll probably have to make... this is the sort of thing I've been waiting for in one of my hobbies. I got a taste of it with D&D and being my group's rules lawyer, but now I have the opportunity to be the go-to guy for other people who are interested in learning the game or just coming and having fun for a few hours each week.
As I've sat here working on commissions I keep wondering which battleboxes I'll paint up for my Press Ganger application. I have the means of making a Khador box (assuming I can find my 2nd Sorscha), I have a Cyriss battlebox begging me for some paint, and there's a Menoth box I got from one of our former players. But everyone loves Cryx, and I imagine people will want to try them out. On the flip side I (should) have the Skorne and Circle box contents, but this could also be my excuse to start an 11 point Trollblood force. And what about Minions?! Shouldn't they finally get some love?
That's basically the only gaming topic that's been on my mind today. It's very scattered, but that's my brain on excitement. I have no idea if everything will pan out like I'm hoping, but it seems like there's a pretty good chance of it happening. Wish me luck, and stay tuned for updates!
See you tomorrow!
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