I have been very busy and have had a reduced amount of hobby time as of late.  I was particularly bummed out that I haven't spent more time at the table.  I have had a few starts but nothing lengthy.

I managed to get one of the modes on the Su Jian pretty far along and the pants on most of my Celestial Guards.  I am pleased with the color but not the techniques.  I think I need to thin my paints a bit more.  I spent last evening painting.  I have some time set aside to paint tonight and will do just that.  This weekend will probably be a wash since the PS4 will be out and I will be spending my time killing stuff.
Not the optimum setup with all the fire lanes

While I was bummed about painting, I have had time for the hobby.  I played a demo game at Chuck's against Dave to run him through a game of Infinity.  I also ran two of the other guys through a game.  It was a fun time by all and I at least know that Dave is prepping for a rematch.

I plan on running demo games at Chuck's pretty regularly.  They want to start building up a group playing.  I will have to bring a lot of extra terrain.  In fact, I plan on bringing up the table I am building using the Secret Weapon Miniatures tablescapes.   Plus, painting up an extra starter to give the players a chance to use painted models on the table will make it even better.

I did pick up and assemble two of the Micro Arts Studio buildings, the garage and the L-apartment.  They look cool.  Assembly was OK.  I learned a lot from these two.  I need a lot more but really can't wait to see these painted.