I finished this little guy about two weeks ago but just finally got around to taking some nice photos of him. He came from Stonehaven Miniatures, as part of their Gnome Kickstarter. They arrived in the beginning of October and I've already painted two minis from the set.

 I really bought these guys just to paint them. So I thought it'd be fun to put him on a big ol' tree stump (that I picked up for $1 at Historicon). The big stump also meant a big base- he's on a 60mm, even though the Gnome is only about the size of my thumbnail.

The leaves on the base came from Secret Weapon Miniatures. They make some cool stuff, including these leaves in several color varieties.

He'll probably end up becoming some weird NPC in a game of Savage Worlds eventually. But for now, he's just part of my miniature shelf, hanging out with some Daemonettes, Fenrisian Wolves and Moria Goblins.