
I've been reading Faeit 212 (no surprise there) quite regularly, still, and a few things have stuck out at me: more race specific terrain and supplements/mini-dexes.

Race Specific Terrain/Defenses

This would, by far, be one of the cooler things done by GW, I think. I know Tau really aren't into holding ground or terrain, but it would still be pretty cool to see some Tau inspired defense zones or even railgun-mounted turrets. I always love looking back at the Planetstrike and Battle Missions books just to admire the Tau outposts they had made and I keep thinking to myself, "Holy crap! That's so beautiful!" seeing the pearlescent white of the Tau structures with their rounded and smooth edges complimenting the aesthetic styles of the battlesuits and foot soldiers only to clash against the crude monstrosities of the ignorant races.

Honestly though, I probably wouldn't ever use one in a game, but I would definitely use them in narrative battles or just for dioramas. You've got to admit it would be awesome!


The Farsight Enclaves was a pretty good example of what we can expect for Tau supplements and sadly it's probably the only one. Personally I really like it, although I haven't sat down with a copy in my hand and read it, it seems to be well worth the price and the rules definitely make the Enclaves stick out from the original Tau, but still keeps it in check.

However, it's the mini-dexes that really get me excited. Maybe all of those rumors you heard over a year ago are actually coming to fruitation; I mean just look at the Inquisition "Codex"! What if GW decided to do a Kroot Codex similar to the Inquisition and honestly it would line up with a lot of the old rumors, although most of those were complete crap, it's still nice to have hope. Just imagine what a Kroot "transport" would be like; "Oh....That's cute....A giant dinosaur that holds baby dinosaurs on his back that shoot things....Nice job GW, nice job," or at least that's what all of my foes would be thinking when my Kroot-dino stomps and eats them all to death! Or maybe even Kroothawks! "WHAT?! Now they can freaking fly? You've GOT to be kidding right now." Then toss in some Shapers with psychic powers and maybe some nice "Ima eat chu and take your genes," stuff and you have a pretty solid foundation for a really fun little mercenary codex. After all, Kroot are mercenaries so it would be fitting if they could fight along more than just Tau.

Tau; the New Meta

I remember the old days when people used to make fun of other players for playing Tau because they sucked so much. I remember when people would always bash on Tau and they would pity anyone "stuck" with a Tau army. Now it seems that people have grown to hate Tau and hate the players even more, those "dirty powergames!"

I really didn't like have peoples' sympathy anytime they saw my codex, but I really don't like how now I pull out my codex and people instantly cringe at the sight, "Oh by the Emperor! Not another Tau player!"

It seems to me, that Tau players really have a bad rep these days as victory-crazed powergamers who play the "easy to win with," armies. This is pretty sad considering the fact that Tau are definitely a pretty easy army to pick up, but by no way is it the easiest army to master. There are SOOOOO many options and possibilities that it's ridiculously hard to find what options fit the best within your armies and your playstyle; however, most people just buy a codex look online for some "easy win" rosters, go buy the models, toss them together and then reap the tears of their foes. Truly, dark times have befallen our Empire.

I remember when no one ever wanted to play Tau and if you did (and you were good at it) then you were considered a Patron Saint of 40k. It used to be an honor to be able to not get tabled while you play Tau, now it seems as though with the dawn of the new codex people have been abusing the gifts of the Empire for mere glory.

Realistically, no one likes to lose, so I'm not calling all Tau players out who are competitive and win a lot, I'm just saying there's a fine line between playing your army for fun, making your own lists and truly falling in love with the Tau Empire or simply using it as a means to victory.

Future of My Tau Army

I'm hoping to get rather soon the Farsight Enclave Codex supplement as well as some new models. I plan on acquiring another Riptide a few more Broadsides and another box of Pathfinders along with a few Special Characters, notably Longstrike. I've been thinking up some rather nasty lists in conjunction with these additions and I've got to say it sounds awesome!

Also, I'm hoping to finish painting my current squad of Pathfinders whenever I'm reunited with them and get some more games in. I've already contacted some folks and have a few games lined up, so you can probably expect some rather brief reports on that.

Along with the Farsight Enclave supplement, I've been thinking about painting some of my models a different paint scheme (no, not the traditional kind) to represent my Farsight allies. It all depends on how much I enjoy the fluff and I like using them in my armies.