It seems like the best online finds happen when I can't sleep. Maybe it's my wife hogging 90% of the bed that makes me really focus, or maybe it's a full moon that shoves all the popular stuff aside and puts the more obscure stuff in my search results. Whatever it was, I saw a random video suggestion while cruising around YouTube a few weeks ago.
"Create your own dungeon tiles quickly and easily."
My days of using a grid in my RPGs died when I discovered IKRPG. I've still had my pinings for D&D 4e, so I figured I'd take a peek and see what sort of stuff the more crafty DMs were making for their players.
[Skip to 12:30 for the final piece]
Simply put, I was in awe. "Quickly and easily" are usually poor word choices for many craft projects I've seen online, but theDMsCraft has held by that motto through every video I've seen. As I've been working on commissions I've just had his channel running in the background, making me glance up every minute or two to see what he's talking about or admire the end result of cardboard, hot glue, and a lot of creativity.
I would recommend this guy for any terrain builder. Despite being aimed at D&D players, he doesn't even use a grid for his players and instead runs my favorite version of D&D freely using inches rather than 1" squares! While many things might only apply to RPG players, I've already found several items I want to make for my wargaming group. I'm already planning to build an abandoned mine entrance, a broken cart as an objective, a crumbling prison, and some water features that are infinitely easier and cheaper (and less sticky!) than what I've been attempting lately.
To be fair, he isn't exactly obscure with 200+ videos and over 6,000 subscribers. But DM Scotty is one of the most genuine guys I've seen, and I love that he does things my kids could help me with. I can use his dungeon tiles if/when I (re)start my IKRPG campaign, and I can use a lot of his other videos for inspiration to make any number of wargame terrain that isn't a hill, a wall, a house, and a rock.
Check him out if you have even a remote interest in terrain building. His techniques are simple, and there's simply no arguing with the great results he gets without requiring much material. Now then, back to painting and keeping a list of projects I want to do!
See you tomorrow!
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