Forgeworld terrain incoming, I believe we have seen pictures of this thing in the past but now it's something you can put on your Christmas wish list.. This thing honestly looks like it could be a awesome Display board and when you put four of them together on the table it looks pretty sharp as you can see below.
When the situation calls for a prolonged deployment, Space Marines can rapidly construct modular fortified structures, known as Castellum Strongholds, to use as forward operating bases on a planet’s surface.
Designed by Blake Spence, the Realm of Battle Space Marine Castellum Stronghold is a 24" x 24" (609 mm x 609 mm) tile which can fit the Citadel Realm of Battle board. The model features areas that can accommodate Tarantula Sentry turrets, and its design allows several boards to be put together, expanding the size of the base. The Castellum Stronghold will be available to pre-order now and will be despatched from Saturday 30th November
You can more information at Forgeworld, and more importantly you can add it to your cart and have second thoughts while hovering over that check out button.