Twenty-four years ago I was introduced to a game that would catapult me into worlds and galaxies that I never could have dreamed possible and a fascination, passion and hobby that has endured all this time and lead to this very site being created. I refer to Hero Quest…

Well Gamezone Miniatures have somehow managed to get permission to produce a 25th anniversary edition of the game which is now up on Kickstarter!

heroquestnewI’m so excited about this that it almost made me break my ‘no pledge’ policy. It’s already smashed it’s target but I urge you all to go take a look and pledge what you can. This game inspired a generation of children to take the first steps into wargaming. Wouldn’t it be incredible if it could do it all over again?

Here’s the video from Kickstarter. And just FYI, I remember the TV spot it opens with. Yes I’m that old. Fuck off.