The new Codex: Inquisition (for pun, refer to post title) has dropped (in more ways than one :P) and has rather let down many customers/players who bought the book or obtained it in pdf format via friends/interwebs. The main argument for this is that the codex was a copy+paste job that would've taken less than a day to do. I think that was the worst letdown of all.
Another letdown the fanbase had was a lack of dedicated Inquisitorial stormtroopers. Yes the warrior acolyte entry is there, enabling either guardsmen with laspistol/ccw, stormtrooper analogues and, of course, SPEHSS MAHREENS/sisters of battle, depending on your power armour preference. That and the force-org chart was WEIRD. Like seriously WEIRD. It can be fielded as a stand-alone book, but probably not for games above 1000pts if you feel inclined to spend $330 AUD on land raiders. >.>; (It was 1-2 HQs and 3 elite choices consisting of 1 elite unit with dedicated transports. Holy shit! Look at the variety :D Lol jk)
Well, this is something I cooked up in response to this +++Censored by the Inquisition+++ of a codex. I think it covers most if not all disappointments.
Note: If any GW employee is reading this, I'll change all names, references and stuff so you can update the codex pronto, cuz you guys can't use fan-made stuff. I'll even delete this post once it happens (lol, inquisitorial censure). Think of all the conversions that aren't being done! Think of the boxes of SPEHSS MAHREENS not being sold! Think of your store sale quota thingies.
Codex: Inquisition, what you were expecting
- Coteaz
- Kamarazov
- Valeria – as per GK
- Ordo Hereticus inquisitor o If taken, Battle Sister squads can be taken as troops instead of elites
- Ordo Xenos inquisitor o If taken, Deathwatch Marine squads can be taken as troops instead of elites
- Ordo Malleus inquisitor o If taken, then GK squads may be taken as troops instead of elites (or both, knock ya self out)
- Officio Assassinorium murder squad (see codex GK for stats, squad contains one assassin of each type, squad size is 4)
- Grey Knight squad (as per codex: GK)
- Battle Sister squad (as per codex: AS)
- Deathwatch Marine squad- see codex: SM sternguard for stats, then add o Hatred (Xenos), Preferred enemy (Xenos) and squad cost is an extra 6pts per dudeo May take weapons and equipment from codex: Inquisition
- Inquisitorial warband
- Inquisitorial stormtroopers (see codex: IG stormtroopers for stats, change WS and S to 4)
- Adeptus Arbites squad (see codex: SM scouts for stats) and add: o Any arbite may take a suppression shield (storm shield) for 15pts
Fast attack:
- Inquisitorial Valkyrie (as per codex: IG-change squad size to 1) but may take
o Weapons and equipment from codex: Inquisition
- Penitent engine (as per codex: AS)
Heavy support:
- Landraider + variants
- Inquisitorial dreadnought (as per codex: SM)
Hey look, no new models, but more meat to the codex and actual fluffy combos. This took about 30mins to complete. This is also what I pretty much was expecting upon finding out Codex: Inq was gonna happen. Would also shift some older metal models too, wink wink.
If what I posted above happened, I would've gotten really enthusiastic about 40k too... ah well, can't be helped I guess.
Until again,
The Warlock