Many readers may remember my commitment to get involved in 15mm historical games.  Since then I've bought rulebooks and miniatures and let them languish.  However West Wind Productions has started a Kickstarter project to create a new line of Ancients 15/18mm miniatures and that has me excited.  So consider this short post a pseudo-advertisment for their kickstarter as well as a declaration that I will get back into historicals as soon as I get my Infinity Nomads painted up.

Information on the Kickstarter campaign can be found here.

Additionally -
  • I'm working on my Skaven Screaming Bell again.  I hope to have progress pictures for a post soon.  This leads me to...
  • In January I'll be revamping the blog and trying to reinvigorate and refocus.  I know, I know.  You sense a theme of me getting off-focus.  I'm not easily distracted I simply have a lot of interests :-)