Weekly Greetings!

This week’s Tools of the Hunt will be the first of a two part series.  I’ll be focusing on what turns a boy on the icy plains of Fenris into a warrior of the Vlyka Fenryka, the training they go through till they become a Blood Claw. But first we must look at the planet he is grown on. I give you Fenris.

Fenris is a brutal death world, listed in the Imperium as one of the deadliest planets inhabited by mankind. It sits on the edge of the Eye of Terror orbiting a pale star known as the Wolf’s Eye that serves as its Sun, as indifferent to life on Fenris as a Thunder Wolf is indifferent to the emotional plane of its helpless prey.  With a year that consists of two seasons; fire and ice, the season of ice brings incredible cold where the oceans freeze, turning the planet into little more than a sheet of ice and the season of fire when the ice melts, unleashing its violent oceans and the predators that lurk in its depths.  It’s a planet where only the strongest of our species can survive, indeed when a baby boy is born an axe handle is placed in the palm of its hand, if it fails to grasp the handle of the weapon it is left to the mercy of the Fenrisian elements . Where year after year tribes of barbarians fight over the small clumps of land that remain consistent, taking to the long boats in the season of fire to begin the murder make and to either settle an old score or simply ensure their families survive and grow strong, if both then all the better. A world where the seasons can kill you as easily as its non-human inhabitants, Fenris sprouts numerous strange creatures such as trolls who  possess incredible regenerative prowess, giant kraken, numerous species of vicious, intelligent wolves and some whisper in their halls of a creature known as Wulfen that roams the tundra. To say that Fenrisians are tenacious is an understatement. When mankind first stepped on Fenris they had no idea they would someday bring the ancient Norse tales of their past to life.

It’s on this planet that Russ was found and brought up by a female Blackmane wolf and her young who would someday become his first battle brothers, Freki and Geri. When the Emperor of Mankind and the Wolf King Leman Russ were reunited, the Emperor offered to turn this deadly world into a haven. Honouring the victories of the VI legion Russ said nay, the planet is ideal for creating great heroes to defend mankind. Instead he compromised with the Emperor and the mighty fortress known as the Fang was born, combining mankind’s greatest mechanics and artisans with the raw topographical might of Fenris’s strongest mountain. This fortress’ reach goes as far as space itself.  But there was also another part of the deal - Fenris would be left completely untouched, stunted, unable for technology to bring civilisation further. The wandering tribes would continue to wander and fight to survive, breeding generation after generation of impressive warriors and Russ himself would pass into legend among the inhabitants, hidden inside the vast mountain range of Asaheim. There was one exception; a single tribe would be allowed inside Asaheim to serve as thralls to the Sky Warriors, mining Fenris’s almost limitless ores, working the forge amongst the Iron Priests and serving as crewmen among the VI legions fleet. Thus the Vlyka Fenryka would be a self-sustained, fully functional God-like force to slay the enemies of man, and still some say that they have a darker purpose as the Emperor’s executioner. We served as the Emperor’s first choice to deal with Magnus and his Thousand Sons and many speculate that the two founding chapters that are mysteriously missing from all records may have met a similar faith.

This is the planet that the Wolf Priests prowl, known amongst the mortals as the Watchers, they are sometimes seen amongst the murder make, keeping an eye out for potential candidates, when the blood lies upon the snow whether they be living or dead these adolescent boys will serve the Space Wolves. The Wolf Priests possess incredible healing skills, capable of bringing a recently deceased boy back to the land of the living and if the resurrected lad is somehow seen by those found unworthy it will be assumed he is a wraith, Ragnar Blackmane is one such wraith. Particularly boisterous wolf priests may even wander into a lord’s hall and challenge each young man to fight and afterwards take away the finest to join the Sky Warriors.

When these adolescents are chosen they are taken to Asaheim to begin their training under a member of the Wolf Guard who may be unsuited to the endless war due to injury or simply specialises in breaking in the pups. Clothed in a skin tight grey thermal suit bearing the space wolf symbol, the pups are assembled into groups known as Claws and are trained vigorously in the finer points of battle with numerous different weapons. These boys are fed on a high protein diet and are tormented with a brutal training regime to prove that they are able for the life of an Astartes. After numerous tests upon the plains of Fenris, the aspirants are either found worthy to proceed or simply fall by the wayside to perish.

Those that do make it are brought to the Fang to drink from the Cup of the Wulfen. Within this relic the aspirants drink the Canis Helix, a genetic brew of Leman Russ’s own DNA that is used as a catalyst later on to activate the numerous  gene seed implants. While on the subject of the gene seed; many chapters have a flaw in their gene seed that leads to mutation, in the Space Wolves the slowly growing fangs and occasional yellowing of the eyes are both mutational flaws of the gene seed as is the Curse of the Wulfen. These are all a side effect to something greater; the Space Wolves are said to possess senses beyond that of a regular Astarte’s and it is all because the Canis Helix contains DNA from the Fenrisian wolves which goes a long way to explain why the Sons of Russ have such a strong relationship with the canine natives.  These aspirants are far from finished their training, instead they are brought to be painfully tested by the Rune Priests for any mental corruption or the taint of Chaos before the gates of Morkai where their very psyche is broken down and examined piece meal before being reassembled. If the pups are not found wanting they awaken to find themselves having been given the gene seed implants that make a Son of Russ. It’s worth mentioning now that in many gene seed variations certain organs fail to work. In Rogal Dorn’s the Betcher’s Gland and Sus-an Membrane no longer function, resulting in his warriors being unable to generate acid in their saliva or cocoon themselves in a genetically caused suspended animation when the marine has suffered grievous injury. I have read the Space Wolves stories in great detail and have come to the conclusion that in the Space Wolves gene seed the Omophagea appears to have failed.  The Omophagea allows the marine to absorb memories of what it’s eaten but there is no case of this occurring in the Space Wolves, otherwise they would all have far too many memories of being a Warhammer 40,000 variation of a cow.

It is now the Canis Helix begins to make itself noticed. The young men turn feral having succumbed to the Wulfen and it is up to them to regain control of their senses while kept in group pens. When (if) they come to it is time for the final test called “the Blooding”. The pup is armed with nothing but a spear and dagger; dropped off outside of Asaheim and must brave the tundra once more to return to the Fang. Once they return they are gifted with a suit of power armour from a fallen Sky Warrior and assigned with their surviving Claw pack to one of the 12 Companies as a Blood Claw pack.

That’s all for this week pups!

Next week I’ll discuss the career of each young Sky Warrior now that he is a fully fledged Blood Claw.

Comments and requests for future articles are as welcome as always!