I hope you enjoyed your time this Thanksgiving holiday.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOn Thursday, Gina and I played a quick game of Thurn and Taxis, followed by Star Trek Catan with Gina and her mom. I was able to win Catan, taking advantage of a few ill advised trades by Gina ‘s mom.


Then on Saturday, Joe and Kevin joined us. We played Village first. I was trying to avoid the market, and instead focused on using the council to feed my travel. I also had a bunch of family in the church.
I did well, but Kevin and Joe were working the market with Kevin getting the best deals. Kevin ended up tied with me for first, and had the tie-breaker with the market sales.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAKevin, Joe, and I followed that with Clash of Cultures. Things started off peaceful.  I was working to get taxation and trade routes to fulfill my objective. Kevin ended up surrounded by barbarians, so he went military first.

Joe and I were for next to each other, and it very enticing to attack. Instead I just used him for the trade routes, and built a big defensive army. Joe did try to attack twice, but I repelled him both times. Kevin was also mounting an offense in the other side, so I needed to defend there as well.
Joe and I both managed two wonders, but I had completed all of my objectives and had the bigger civilization. I took the win with 51 points.


Until next time, happy gaming!