So I have been getting into Infinity.  I love 40k but with the money grab GW has been making has made it easier to try something new.  I have been expanding my Infinity holdings.  It also helps that it's been picking up steam in this area as well.  I also love the idea of urban warfare.  That being said, I have been doing a lot of work getting stuff ready to play.

I have been dying to get my hands on some of the Micro Arts Studios buildings.  I bought two a few weeks ago and finally got them together.  I started painting them and have been very pleased with these buildings in general. The construction is solid and I didn't require and glue.  I would recommend using glue though.  I think my next purchases will be glued together. 

I need to work on the green side a bit more. I am doing a OSL effect and finished the orange and will be doing the same with the green.  Below are pics I did with the orange.

I have been working on a lot of the models as well.  I haven't gotten all of my models uploaded yet but here are some WIPs.
Su Jian Heavy Infintry (Mobile Form)


That's about it for this post.  My Warsenal shipment is on the way and that should keep me busy for a few weeks.