This should just be a quick progress update.  Lately I've had a little more time to work on hobby stuff so I've finally restarted work I began earlier in the year.  I've promised myself that by in the next few months I will have all of these projects finished so that I can start cutting down some of my painting backlog to more manageable levels.  So what have I been working on?  Well, as the title suggests I have three projects going right now.  The first is my screaming bell conversion for my Skaven army.  The next is to fully paint my Nomads for Infinity.  While the last is to assemble and paint both of my historical armies of present (Britons and early Imperial Romans).  So let's check in on the progress of each of these.

Screaming Bell
Early in the year I bought an Empire Landship from Forgeworld.  A friend of mine gave me the wonderful idea (half-joking) of turning it into a Screaming Bell for my Skaven army.  Well, I ran with it.  I have all sorts of left over bits from various Skaven kits, plus a full unused and mostly unassembled Doomwheel.  Since then I've been cleaning resin, drilling resin, and otherwise combing my bits box(es) for usable bits.  This is what I came up with in the early stages.

Next I needed to assemble all the parts of the landship that were going to be unaltered or at least mostly unaltered.  This took quite a bit of time as I wanted the base of the model as sturdy as possible.  So I ended up with a model with 18 pins holding it together and quite a large amount of greenstuff to fill gaps between pieces, air bubbles, and other miscellany.

Next, I started planning out where all my other bits would go.  I cannibalized my spare Doomwheel (2nd new one, but my third actual Doomwheel).  I grabbed lightning parts, the rats in the wheels, the pumper in the back, and eventually the pilot.  Now since this is a screaming bell I obviously needed a screaming bell.  So I cannibalized my spare bell as well.

Currently I'm in the process of dry fitting and working out the logistics of where all the pieces go, what pieces I still need, and how I'm going to construct the few sections that MUST be scratch-built.  So if anyone has any spare Jezzail pavisses laying about... let me know!

I actually had been working on these through the early months of my daughter's life.  When she slept I would assemble the models.  Then I went to prime them and POOF! the primer snowed up.  Crap.  So I had to completely strip the miniatures.

Then I thought I'd spruce up the bases by buying the MicroArt Studio Infinity bases.  Honestly, they are pretty hit or miss, but I'll still use them for now.  The ruined urban are better than the straight urban.

So now I'm currently reassembling the miniatures and will work on painting them once the primer sets up and in-between working on my screaming bell.

I bought my Corvus Belli miniatures a few months ago (July, maybe?) but had otherwise languished on trying to determine bases, frontage, standard army, etc.  So I shelved them.  Recently though, Westwind Studios put up a 15mm kickstarter (link here) and that got my psyched up again.

So I went to Litko and ordered a bunch of bases after checking out the base rules for Fields of Glory.  While everything is still uncleaned, in need of basing, and obviously unpainted, I'm excited to start working on these again.  So once my bases from Litko arrive, expect to see some updates coming.

Additionally, since I work in a Maritime field and love classical history, a coworker of mine showed me a website where you can purchase small scale models of ancient warships and a passable set of rules for ancient naval combat.  Once I finish my current three projects, that will be a definite purchase.