Yeah, I'm in a bit of a happy mood tonight. After spending all year wanting to learn Malifaux, I finally have the new rulebook and a starter! I haven't dug in yet because I was eager to get my models assembled, but after thumbing through it I think the rules sections are (mercifully) smaller than Warmachine's.

So about model assembly. I don't know if Privateer Press has lower-quality plastics, or if my eyesight is so bad that I missed them, but these seemed to have a sparse amount of mold lines for me to trim. That's not to say they were nonexistent, but the few I found were on larger pieces and not one of them was located in an area that made me mar any detail. I don't know if coming on a sprue had anything to do with it, but if that's the case then I'm officially sold on cutting models off of sprue and only having to file the blemish left from the 2 connections.

As of this writing I'm only halfway done. I'm leaving the Death Marshals for the end because I love their figures, but so far things have gone pretty well. I'm definitely not a fan of our delicate some of the features are, and even snapped a piece just from cutting it off the sprue.

If you look at the two "scales" on the bottom piece, the upper one snapped off with little provocation, and it was nearly impossible to glue back on. That's definitely a bummer, especially after working with the exaggerated models in Warmachine, where spindly parts are generally reserved for a few of the female models. Once they're assembled there's no question that I'll need to stick them in foam, because I don't think they'd survive the slightest bump while lying inside a box.

Right now I find myself at an impasse. I want to get them on their bases and ready for painting. However, I feel like a bland base won't do them justice. Malifaux is a boutique game, meaning that you only have a handful of models on the table at a time. Unlike Warmachine where I could field up to 100 piece, in Malifaux I'll likely never break 15. Micro Arts Studios, Secret Weapon Miniatures, and other companies sell details resin bases for about $1 each, and something that that could go a long way to really showing off the beauty of these models.

Ah, decisions. Fortunately I'm not in a rush since my Malifaux buddy won't have time to read the rulebook for awhile, but after waiting all this time I'm more than ready to paint my minis, dive in to the rulebook, and see if Malifaux can come close to living up to the all the excitement I've had this year.

Look forward to a bit of Malifaux content coming up. I'll likely do a first impression of the rules, maybe a battle report of my first games, and... well, who knows? For now I'm content to get my last figures assembled, get the kids tucked in, then spend my night reading about a world of steampunk Victorian horror with ties to the Wild West and China.

See you tomorrow!

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