I dare you to cross this line!

I know, two Thanksgiving puns in a row, sorry. But Pete's article was a surprise, sort of like how damn good the Eldar Holo-field is now. After our Tukey day meal, Mrs. Blackheart and I decided to have a fast paced bit of 40K.

Based loosely on a Spearhead scenario, the Eldar must exit the table edge with as many of the Wave Serpents packed with party goers as possible. The Imperial guard have it easy, line up and shoot a lot. I took 2500 points of Heavy Metal, including a Blaneblade. She got 200 extra points to balance out her being the attacker. This was, as we will see, totally unnecessary.

Ain't no school like the old school.
 My Baneblade disappeared on turn one along with a Leman Russ and the Hydra got shaken. No big deal. I have a ton of guns and those pointy ear bozos have a mere armor 12. And Jink. With  Holo-fields. Still not fullly vested in the new Eldar Codex we took a minute to discover the evil (but appropriate) change with the Holo-fields. Jink gives a 5+ cover save, great neat. Holo-fields give +1 to cover saves. Not as great if you shooting at them. And course now a 3+ cover save if going flat out. Sigh. Well, it was a quick game.

I shot a lot. I hit a good deal. Gillian rolled very well and very little damage was done to the rapidly closing Eldar. The Crimson Hunter is a very good anti-tank weapon. It smoked my Hydra, and the Leman Russ Destroyer. I didn't bother shooting at it, I had far too many other issues at close range.

Can't kill what you can't hit.
So I killed two Vypers, a Falcon, a Fire Prism, and one Wave Serpent full of Dire Avengers in four turns of  increasingly panicked shooting. She wiped the guard off the table, and escaped. Damn advanced aliens!

A fun, fast paced game it was. Next time I'll bring the Dark Angels.

Hammer of Vaul
Crushes You