TJ here to give you an update on a past It Came From the Forums artist. This time we will check out Mastiff's Dark Eldar and Dark Elves.

For those of you unfamiliar, Mastiff has been featured here for his incredible Celtic themed Space Wolves: The Ravenborn.

Mastiff has moved into the DE with the same great use of color and shading we saw in the Ravenborn, but tempered with experience.

Just look at the shading on the hull here and the use of highlight along the darker freehand to help make it pop against the lime green color.

The colors here on the sword, plate cloth and skin on this Archon are great. I like that he picked the colors out and made them bright without going over the top or making everything glow. The only thing glowing on this model is the weapon. All too often, we see artists these days get too crazy with OSL and glow, so it is nice to see one who uses it to effect with discipline.

Check out that sword.

Here is a look at Mastiff's Ravager. I am a huge fan of the sail.

I love these troops. Check out the greens and the purples here.

As a fan of the old, non-prepainted Confrontation models, the Alchemist model being used as a Talos is very cool. This is one of my favorite models from when I was younger and this has inspired me to find one on Ebay to incorporate into my own collection.

A ravager again.

The Dark Elves exchange the green of the Dark Eldar for the Blue armor we see here.

Now if this sorceress is any indication of what we can expect from Mastiff's Druchi, then consider me signed up! That green stuff magic burst is awesome! Again, the muted colors are refreshing in this case.

For more of Mastiff's work and to get a handle on his latest projects, check out his gallery on Dakka!