1. Eldar titan
2. C'tan ( all forms with D-weapons )
3. Thunderhawk ( due to D weapons )
4. IG tank Shadowsword ( the only IG tank to have a D-weapon ).
5. Lord of skulls ( has a melee D-weapon )
Now the Titan is by far and wide the standout. Nothing comes close period. I rated the Lord of Skulls lowers since it's D-weapon is only in melee. Lets be honest shooting is king in this edition so it takes a backseat to any shooting D weapon. The others are pretty regular with no worries to be honest.
How to fix this? Well I think what is going to happen is the supplement will be banned from GT's. What can happen though is reduce D-weapons to Str10, ap1, ignores cover. Still bad ass to shoot but does give things a chance to live. Also add that Super heavies cannot be effected by psychic powers period. Stomp and thunderblitz tables need to be modified to at max allow str 10 ap1 hit. No remove from play or auto pen. Holofield can be gotten around by a close combat or ignores cover rules. Make it a cover save Vs and save everything save.
I think these would make the units still very nasty, but rein them in on the WTF scale.
I did want to play my lord of skulls in a game, but as it's looking it will never happen as I feel the ban for this is coming. Maybe I'll proxy him as a soul grinder! A really big grinder :)
Bye, Bye, Escalation you should have had smaller arms |