After a long period, I'm back to the French Waaagh Day. I came with my five years old Dark Angels army. No new unit, I have enough work with the Med Tour preparation.

We had many tables and armies, but one table caught my attention. It represents a Necrontyr invasion on an Eldar world. Impressive.

I played two games during this FWDay. Not bad, when you know this week-end isn't a tournament. It allows us to meet IRL after six month on the mailing list.

First game : Order vs Chaos
 - Order : Imperials Fists (Le VIeux), Black Templars (Wernher) et Dark Angels (Aarghal).
 - Chaos : World Eaters, Word Bearers and Khorne deamons.

3k points on each side. It's gonna hurt !

Vindicator, pre-Heresy Ironclad and Rhino. Wanna get some ?
 For the first time since I painted it, I saw my VIndicator on the table for more than one and a half turn.

We had a pre-Heresy Adpetus Mecanicus robots unit.
 Second game : back to basics !
 - Space Marines : Red Hunters (Franssoué), Black Templars (Wernher) and Dark Angels (Aarghal).
 - Orks : Blood Axes (Larg), orks (Tarpan) and... orks (El Grot).

So many orks, so few Space Marines
 There where so many Orks minis on the table, we had a childish smile on our faces.

Looted Leman Russ, a real piece of work.
 Blood Axes looted a Leman Russ, and painted it's front face in Bad Moon colors.

BBQ anybody ?
Kommandos' weapons are painted in green camo with black stripes. Devil's in details.