Twas two weeks before Christmas when a realization set in:
"I haven't started my Secret Santa project. I'd better get crackin'!
I dashed to the game shop while snow fell from the air,
Hoping the model I needed still would be there.
Tucked deep in the back, behind a mess of models,
"He's still here!" I shouted, and dared not dawdle.
After getting him home I set right to work.
Relieved that he had no spindly parts like those Bloodtracker jerks.
I glued him up and trimmed his mold lines,
Then said to myself "It's Green Stuff time!"
I laid out sculpting tools and kneaded the epoxy well,
Hoping this whole "Santa" look would be an easy sell.
I covered his scrolls under a mound of green,
but to resemble a bag I let one piece be seen.
I smoothed out the prints my fingers left behind,
Soon I'll file down all the pack's seams and lines.
Tomorrow I'll start painting, then ship him off with a bow,
But for now I guess I'll see you tomorrow!
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