OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe had Dana, Louis, and Kevin over Saturday and kicked things off with Lords of Waterdeep.  It was a very close game throughout.  Kevin and I got out to early leads, but the others quickly caught up.  I was trying to complete a number of arcana and warfare quests, but they all required clerics, that were hard to come by.  Louis was building like crazy, and we were all pretty sure he had the Lord that gave bonus points for doing just that, but there wasn’t much we could do to stop him.

I was able to complete a big piety quest for 25 points and had a 28 points from my lord, but that only put me just in front of Dana.  Kevin had the most quests requested by his lord, but Louis had the huge bonus with eight building and a six point bonus for each from his lord.  His 48 points just crushed the rest of us.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe followed that up with Keyflower.  After a brief refresher, we were off.  I quickly went for big wood and stone production tiles in the first season to set me on my way.  I didn’t grab anything in the summer, but did use my buildings for upgrades and to prepare for a strong fall.  Louis and Dana were working with green workers and Kevin had a bunch of gold.

In the fall, I was able to use my horde of blue minions to secure the statue and stone mason that would use the stone stockpile that I had been building.  The winter tiles didn’t matter much to me, so I primarily worked to gather stone and move it to my stone mason for the bonus points.  I would have liked to grab the keythedral, but Kevin edged me out on that bidding.  In the end, I had 27 points just from my stone, and 76 total for first place.


Until next time, happy gaming!