Gerüchtezusammenfassung Tyraniden


Nun scheint es aber wirklich so weit zu sein! Die Tyraniden stehen in den Startlöchern und Mitte Januar sollten sie über uns kommen. Mit exakten Bildern aus dem nächsten White Dwarf darf im Laufe dieser Woche gerechnet werden. Bis dahin müssen wir weiterhin mit der Lupe nach Neuigkeiten suchen. Einige sind allerdings schon aufgetan worden:


warrior-old-new comparison

Neben diesen noch etwas vorsichtigen Einsichten in die neuen Modelle gibt es aber auch eine ganze Reihe Gedanken aus der Gerüchteküche zum neuen Codex, die ich Euch im folgenden mal zusammengestellt habe:

via 40k Warzone

Psychic Powers table: Dominion (Primaris), Psychic Scream, Warp Blast, Catalyst, Paroxysm, the Horror, Onslaught

Warriors + Prime bits (not a word about wings in a box)
Harpy + Something
Something Hungry + Something Shooty
Hive Guard + Other Known Guard


Response to above post:
ok guess I can give more info now this has dropped.
Those powers haven’t changed……..
yup how ****ty is that, can you imagin rolling the horror? bleah!
and zoans no longer have a base shooting power
oh and no, things without models are NOT in this codex (dont know about  shrikes given the FW kit) but special character that was popular with  3rd party sculptors is dead and gone…..

via BolS

Warrior – Shrike: 3 model kit.
HiveGuard – Tyrantguard: 3 model kit. New weapon option for Hiveguard, Full lash whip-sword-claw-talon bits for Tyrant guard.
Pyrovore – Biovore – Hellevore: 1 model plastic kit. 3 plastic spore mines included.
Harpy – Eriyne: 1 model plastic kit.
Mycetic Spore: 1 model plastic kit.
Tyranid Prime: 1 model plastic kit.


Troops FOC
Unit size up to 30
Cost: 4pt
Default comes with Fleshborer

Fleet for 1pt per model

+1 pt Spike Rifles
+2 pt Spinefists (now Assault x(minimum of 2) Twinlinked)
+4 pt Devourers

1 per 10 can take:
+10 pt Strangleweb
+15 pt Electroshock Spitter (S4 AP6 Template Assault 1)

+1 Adrenal Glands – Fleet and Furious Charge
+1 Toxin sacs – Poison (affects cc attacks)
+2 Toxic grubs – Poison (affects ranged fire)

Tyranid Warriors

Tyranid Warriors available in both HQ (Tyranid Prime)and Troops.
- HQ Warriors function as the Prime’s retinue, and do not deploy separately. – Prime + Retinue may deploy in a Mycetic Spore.
Troops Warriors are mostly unchanged. Updated Biomorphs. Adrenal Glands is much improved. Warriors cheaper in points. (75pts base for unit).


Arm design is similar to the Forgeworld Harridan. – Wings attach to the body via 2 sets of arm slots. – Back 2 pairs are for the wings. – First pair of arms is reserved for various weaponry/gribblies.

Release Basics

The total release contains 9 new kits, 3 clamshells. ZERO Finecast.
At least 1 new unit per FOC category.
Tyranids may ally with themselves. Their ally FOC is as follows: 1HQ and 2 Troops default, plus optional 1 Elites, 1-2 troop, 1 Fast Attack, 1 Heavy Support.
Biomorphs are in a seperate codex section in categories, with various Tyranid creatures having access to different categories.  Biomorph categories are:
- Basic biomorphs
- Rare biomorphs
- Psychic-Leader biomorphs
- Unique biomorphs (only 1 each per army)

Units Rumors
Ymgarl Genestealers retain their ability to assault out of their hidden location.
Lictors only allow snap shots plus gain a hefty cover save when they are unveiled.
Raveners and Hormagaunts are Beasts.
Hormagaunts come equipped with Fleet by default.
Genestealers gain an A, and WS bonus.
Carnifex gains a T bonus, and may take virtually every biomorph in the codex (bringing back all those plastic bits from the kit into use.)
Trygon Primes move to HQ.
Venomthropes and Lictors are purchased in broods of 1-3 per FOC slot, but deploy and operate independently on battlefield.

New dedicated Transport big bug. May purchase a twinlinked set of heavy weapons, Transport capacity of 20 small bugs. Counts as an opened top vehicle for assault purposes.
Another “new” big bug is a direct import from EPIC with it’s name unchanged.
Trygon & Raveners digital dataslate from GW Digital the same month as the codex release with a formation allowing Raveners to assault out of the Trygon’s Deep Strike tunnel.

Psychic Details
Tyranid psykers generate psychic powers in a new way. They  gain 1 warp charge from each synapse creature within 6″  but each synapse creature only generates a single warp charge. Tyranid psykers additionally gain a single warp charge per mastery level.  This rule mechanic depicts the ability of the Tyranid Hivemind to focus power to key psychic organisms via the synaptic network.  Each psychic organism however does have a maximum amount of warp charges it may utilize in a single turn, to prevent abusive “machine gun use of powers”.


via Faeit212

(regarding the Bols rumors over the weekend)
Yep, that is a good idea. Half of it is completely wrong, mistaken or just slightly off the mark.
But hell, there could be a second wave so untill the codex is there it is not certain.

Can’t say if the rules are, though – again as long as the codex is not released.

what the hell, expect a dataslate with the release. Nothing unexpected something like this appears I realise, but it will apparently give another option to create an army.
3rd edition players will notice some similarity between it and one evil, sickly powerful army list from a decade ago; though I seriously hope it will be only representing similar idea, but without the rules almost every non-Tyranid player hated back then.

(Regarding the dataslate)
Different name, different rules (I hope!), but in general similar thought behind it. A formation from models in the codex, so not an entire army.

I cannot confirm it fully because too many people will get too exited leading to another 5 pages of discussion on DakkaDakka (cheers guys!) and it will be much less than they will hope for. A nice, (hopefully) flavourish addition, but not the Mycetic Swarm people hated/loved in early 2000s.

(Who is the author of the Tyranid codex)
Ok, that is easy and spoils nothing. No author named.
Apparently right now it is a work of the entire team, but no real suprise here either with rumours about shared work circulating for a while.

Anyway I fully expect some images in next 6 days. As usual first probably something blurry, made by an old mobile phone camera from a wrong angle so that people can discuss how utterly ugly it is and they will never buy it.

I dislike one release from the Tyranid wave, but the rest seems fine or better than fine.
And the cover of the codex is all right, though could probably be better.

The data slate- when I read up on the original Mycetic spore list I think it was more just the deployment type of it- plus it was cool as it represented a specific stage of a tyrannid invasion- so good flavour fluff wise but I wouldn’t want anything overpowered – it’s just not fun to fight against.

The early invasion theme is still here, but this time without “drop a brood of Genestealers on their heads and see them kill everybody” mode.

There is more than one new MC in the initial release. ‘A new MC for the army of bioengineered monsters?’ – not a suprise.

Epic 40 000 players will recognise one easily.
Not Harridan of course.

FOC changes. Not sure yet if your HQ can move some units to different slots, but one unit moves a MC in the FOC.

Probably guys from 40k radio will cover the codex, but it is still more than a full month left…

Foto by Köhl