Yummy Krampus cookies from Wendi!
You didn't think we forgot about Krampusfest this year did you?  As you probably know, Krampus Day proper is December 5th - and here we are on the 10th!  Well, this year our Game Day closest to Krampustag fell on the 8th, so Sunday we had a huge feast and the biggest (and most) battles for Flames of War yet!  Yea, though the ice storm cometh, and the trek be treacherous, many of our close supporters braved the icy conditions to bring festive cheer to the Wargate once again!

Death Kommando sez:  Stay in school or they'll put you in the sappers.
We didn't have a visit from Krampus this year, but we did have Death Kommando on hand.  He brought his sappin' toolz to get a lead on the opposition, and personally led a grenadier platoon into combat outside the wire.  I'm sure the kids appreciated his lessons on munitions, but I think they feel that Krampus is scarier even than Death Kommando, and we have to respect that logic.  We're sure to get a proper, authentic Krampus sometime soon!

We had a grand feast of German-style sausage and cabbage, or you could go the fire and get you some Trench Beans and Hardloaf (red beans and corn bread)!  There was plenty to go around, but being the holidays we had a lot of things for the sweet tooth.  Key lime pie, German chocolate cake (which we all know isn't actually German), gingerbread Krampus cookies and a huge vat of hot cocoa.  A merry Festivus indeed, brought to you by fear of monsters!

Hot chocolate and Krampus cookies for everyone!
It looks like Krampustag might catch on!  Every year, we see more and more evidence that Krampus Day is being celebrated in the west.  It's going to be mainstream guys - as more and more people learn about Krampus, it's spreading like wildfire.  A quick Google-ing of Krampus garners a lot of results, but look for the evidence in the mainstream media.  Years ago it was actually the plot of the Venture Bros. Christmas special, A Very Venture Christmas.  This year, it's on Buzzfeed.  Next year, who knows?  I better get a Krampus sweater.

Special thanks to our members who chipped in and made the feast a great and merry occasion for everyone, especially the gals who worked hard to get it together for us.  We are looking forward to next years' feast as well, and you can bet it will be a fun and educational project for everyone to get together on.  It's nice to have good friends, and I want to wish everyone around the globe a very happy holiday indeed!