I have always stood back from trading as a way of getting my hands on miniatures. The reason? Models going missing! For some time I have just though 'hey, its me!' and just bad luck but recent events here in Essex are beginning to prove otherwise.

Its seems that employees from the Royal Mail have been actively stealing the contents of people's post for their own ends. So scandalous are the findings that the story has even made the front page of the local rag, as you will have seen above!

The story got me thinking about all the 'disappearances' that I have had to deal with in recent times, including a large trade overseas that just vanished, even though they are supposed to be tracked. 

Then, the plot thickens and I receive a generic letter from the Royal Mail apologising (albeit rather vaguely) about the loss of my property along with some old envelopes that once would have held my beloved lead! Note that the envelope in the photograph is affixed with a signed for notice! Well I never signed for this one and the Post Office swore it was delivered, in 2011!

Yes, that is correct, in 2011!

So the thief not only pilfered my minis but even kept the evidence lying around somewhere, and then the Royal Mail, not able to return my property, just send me out an empty envelope!


The hue and cry (lots of local people are talking about the items they have lost and the similar letters of 'apology' they have had popped through their letter boxes) has got me thinking. How common are these disappearances? Are rogue posties targeting our minis and stealing them, perhaps to sell back to us on eBay?

So if you have has items mysteriously vanish during transit or any other tales of problematic posties please do share. You know how!!

Back to miniatures proper next time.


PS: It was an '80s Rat Ogre by Jes Goodwin that vanished from that envelope if you were wondering.