Long time no talk, drunken readers!  Apologies but life has once again reared it's ugly head and I've been unable to fit in gaming hobby time as of late.  I wanted to quickly talk about one of my go-to models when putting together a Blood Angel's army in 40k 6th edition, the ultra-hunky Brother Corbulo.

Broken camera? Check.  Backpack in the shop?  Double Check.

Corbulo is is the High Sanguinary Priest of the Blood Angels.  He's basically an Apothecary that gives off a 6" Furious Charge bubble and comes in at the price of a Librarian with a Melta Bomb.  He basically has the stats of a Space Marine with one less Wound and Weapon Skill.  Corbulo also comes with a couple of war gear items and a special rule that rocks a lots of cocks [citation needed].

Heaven's Teeth:  A chainsword that gives Corbulo +1 Strength (5) and has the rending special rule.  Seeing as how he come with 4 attacks base and he is usually hitting on 3's you have the potential to do some damage to high armor foes or medium armored vehicles.

The Red Grail:  As stated above, Corbulo is an Apothecary that grants any unit within 6" of himself Furious Charge and Feel No Pain.  As an added benefit his pimp chalice grants Corbulo a 2+ Feel No Pain.  Awesome pizza sauce.

The Far-Seeing Eye:  Once per game Corbulo can use his super powers to divine the strands of fate.  What the fuck does that mean?  He lets you re-roll one dice per game.  This can be any roll of the dice, including the role to seize the initiative.  This has gotten me out of a jam more times than I care to admit.

So, now that you know about this hunk how the hell do you use him?  I've been having a lot of success plopping him down in a Drop Pod with a unit of Sternguard with combi-plasmas.  He sits in front of the unit and tanks wounds with his 2+ Feel No Pain while the Sternguard do what they do.  Corbulo isn't too bad in combat and gives the unit a 5+ Feel No Pain and Furious Charge bonus, which is great for the Get's Hot nature of combi-plasmas.  Another great way to use him is in a Storm Raven with a unit of Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield Terminators.  They will hit like a ton of bricks and if the 5+ Feel No Pain really helps if the damn funky chicken explodes before they get to their destination.

All-in-all Brother Corbulo really helps the struggling Blood Angels in the 6th edition.  So, what are your coolest moments using the hunky Hercules?