
Brass etch success! Yay!

The photosensitive coating kit I bought from ebay/China worked but it gave pretty poor resolution so wasn’t suitable for this. It may have worked if I experimented with it a bit more, but instead I decided to play around with the PRP photoresist spray again.

I’ve got applying a nice, even coating sorted but it seems that the biggest requirement is a fairly long exposure time. On this piece it was up around 15 mins (as opposed to around 1.5 minutes for pre-sensitised blank PCB). I get the impression that a slightly thicker coating and even longer exposure time would provide for even better results.

The etching went well (I should have heated up the etchant a bit more) and admittedly I pulled it out a little prematurely, but I preferred to have it under-etched than over-etched.

Anyway, enough talk; check it out!


There’s a few bits that are unusable, but for the most part it’s pretty good! Once this is posted I’m going to go and cut some out to begin using them!

I also did some detailing on the inners of the shoulder rings:
