This past weekend, the Wargate hosted a Demo Day at the Cave (our friendly local game store) for Flames of War!  Several club members showed up to help show off this awesome game, and we had great fun with some buddies who frequent the game store.  We made a video cataloging the event, and it's available here for you to check out what went on Saturday, December 14th, 2013.

Please forgive the background noise...

Throughout the two demo games, we answered questions and ran through how Battlefront organizes its' product lines.  There was a lot we couldn't get on camera, but the momentum towards Flames of War here in Ada has definitely picked up.  We're going to do all we can to promote some competitive gaming for the system, and are considering sponsoring a tournament day as well if the interest is there.  Beyond that, there's always the campaigns we run here on the site.  There's always room for more fighters on the Eastern Front!

To everyone involved in the Demo project, thanks for turning out and making it an awesome day.  You guys are great fun to hang out with, and were patient with us for being novices at making web videos.  Apologies for the terrible production value - but we just received our nice lighting rig (courtesy Jerry Wargate) and installed new software for media production.

Now hopefully we'll learn how to use it!