Hello, one and all. As we approach our annual day of receiving boons and gifts from the Chaos Gods (no refunds), it's time to make a special service announcement.
To let everyone know, there will be no post on Christmas eve, Boxing day, or the 28th December. I plan to enjoy time with the family, and I expect you will be as well. So that means the next post should be uploaded on the 2nd January 2014.
I also want to let people know that I have a two-week work placement at the start of January, meaning I'll only be able to make weekend posts for the first part of January, sorry about that.
However, once the holiday's and early-start placements are done with, a new format of service will take place. I plan to change the way the blog is operated, and will assure you the quality will not diminish; if anything it will improve. I'll be detailing my proposed changes in the new year, after a reflective post on the past year.
So for now, have a happy Christmas folks! May the Dark Gods bless your souls and grant you gifts to strike the hearts from men. Again, no refunds....
PSA: Christmas Announcements
by Matthew Davies | Dec 23, 2013