So another year, another Christmas. There’ll be a year in review post on New Year’s Eve but needless to say it’s been a very eventful one for me, The Shell Case and the hobby. But more on that next week.

It’s been great to see the #warmongers community on Twitter grow and strengthen and everyday I see more and more examples of people going out of their way to help others grow in the hobby. Which is awesome and makes me very proud to be counted amongst their number.

I want to take this opportunity to send out a special thank you to Jason, Nathan, Adam, Ashley & John for helping make the ODAM podcast so much fun to make and whilst we can’t always manage the monthly shows we set out to do, when we do get together we have the best time.

I also want to thank Reece, Lee & Mat for their efforts on The Shell Case, things are starting to take shape and next year should be even busier. Adam’s involvement with The Shell Case will change in the new year to better line up with his skills, passions and existing commitments.

So all that really needs to be said is wishing everyone a very Happy Christmas filled with joy…and boxes of little plastic men.