TJ here and it really seems like I cannot stop making giant monsters for my Chaos armies. This time, I am working on a Maulerfiend with some major kitbashing going on. This is just the first of several posts that will take you along on the ride for this conversion. Let's take a look at where we stand right now.

I have been saving this maulerfiend body for quite some time and finally decided to use it. The trouble is that I already used all the arms and legs in other conversions, like the Gorilla and the Minotaur and the Heldragon. I have been working on a Dreadknight-based daemon prince lately and happened to have a set of Dreadknight legs laying around from that conversion, so I started playing around by adding them to the mauler body ... then I started looking through the bits box. I have this stonehorn head from the Ogre Kingdoms army I built in 2011. I have wanted to use it for a while, but have never had anything big enought to use it with ... the birth of something crazy was officially in the works ...

I then added the little mechanical eye (from the necron command barge) and then, keeping in the idea that this Daemon engine moves around like a silverback gorilla, added some long, defiler arms. I imagine him running like a gorilla, using his horns and teeth to tear things up!

Up behind the head, I plan to add cabling and tons of fur running down the back.

After that, I will add plenty of corrupted flesh to the arms and legs to really add to the Daemon engine theme.

That is it for now, but I do look forward to adding to this model after the holidays. In the meantime, I would love to hear what you think.