After being missing from a few editions, Cypher is back!

And he is getting a full on dataslate that clocks in at a whopping $ 16.99. 

From The Black Library:

Cypher - Lord of the Fallen $16.99

The individual known as Cypher is one of the greatest mysteries in the war-torn future. His motives and methods are inscrutable. The few who even know of his existence are unsure if he Mankind’s bitterest enemy, or a lost pilgrim seeking atonement. Cypher is a being wrapped in shadow, an entity whose every move is cloaked in mystery. The Dark Angels have sought out Cypher since the fall of Caliban – their old homeworld. Over those many millennia, they have caught up with their quarry many times, but each time Cypher has inexplicably eluded them.

Rumours and legends about Cypher follow wherever he appears – and that can be anywhere across the galaxy. He has been sighted in each of the Imperium’s five segmentum, materialising as if from nowhere. Wherever he surfaces, he brings with him death and destruction, although whether he is the culprit or merely a herald of woe is often unclear. And wherever Cypher turns up, more of the mysterious Fallen Dark Angels are sure to follow.

Dataslate: Cypher – Lord of the Fallen delves more deeply into the background of the strange enigma of Cypher. It also contains complete rules to add Cypher to your Warhammer 40,000 battles, either alone, or alongside a force of Fallen Angels.

Also included are three new Altar of War Missions to try out, and three new Echoes of War missions that let you re-enact pivotal events and battles from Warhammer 40,000 history.
Cypher: Itunes

From GW Digital Editions Facebook:

Hey Everyone, and Merry Christmas to you all,

The 25th and final title in the 2013 Digital Advent Calendar is now available to download.

Cypher: Lord of The Fallen sees the return of one of Warhammer 40,000's most mysterious characters.

He is a hero to some, villain to others, and the nemesis of the Dark Angels Chapter.

This dataslate is our biggest yet.

It contains an extensive history and background section that gives new insights into the Dark Angels Chapter, the origins of the Fallen Angels, and of course, Cypher himself.

There are new rules to use this warrior alongside a huge number of Warhammer 40,000 armies, including Chaos and Imperial forces, either alone, or at the head of a force of other Fallen Angels.

The Dataslate also includes six new missions: three new Altar of War scenarios for any army to use, and three themed Echoes of War missions, to reenact pivotal events from Warhammer 40,000 history.

Cypher: Lord of the Fallen is a must read for fans of the Dark Angels, but equally great for anyone interested in the wider mysteries of the 41st millennium, or just anyone who wants to add this shadowy twin-pistol-totting gunslinger into their army.

You can download the eBook here:

Or download the interactive edition from the Apple iBookstore:

So break out Cypher and let's see what he's got!
