Another cultist for Dark Heresy, he'll be something of a major figure in the campaign, although I can't reveal any more than that without giving away important details to my players. Suffice to say he's not one of the good guys...

Several tattoos adorn his body, including the chaos eight pointed star, and other more mysterious symbols, which once again I cannot discuss.

He's well armed, with both a meltagun and a rather large chainsword.

In addition to his tattoos, he also sports a large arrowhead, implanted under the skin of his left arm. What does it signify? Not telling.

A close up showing the face and upper body. Note the large scar across the remains of his right eye.

Another chaos star surrounds the model's topknot.

Another shot showing tattoos and basing. The basing for all my Inquisitor stuff matches this pattern, and a tutorial will be forthcoming when I base the next few models.

Next up, a tech-adept for my PC warband, just waiting on a couple of details. After that there will be a gap while I convert some more members.