Fantasy Flight has posted new updates on its Beta for the Dark Heresy Second Edition.

From Fantasy Flight:

Hello Dark Heresy Second Edition Beta Testers!

Every week, we will post a weekly update to keep you informed about the progress of the beta. This post will include any big news involving the beta, guidance on where we would like you to focus your attention in the coming week, and a PDF update to the beta document to keep you informed of the most recent tweaks and changes to the Dark Heresy Second Edition core rules.

This week’s update (pdf, 4.8 MB) can be found on the beta support page and includes new items (in red). Additionally, there is a dedicated thread in the Game Mechanics forum in which you can discuss any feedback directly related to this week’s update. As always, you can email us directly at to best ensure we see your feedback too. As a reminder, when you submit your feedback via e-mail, it is most helpful to us if you consolidate multiple questions and comments into a single message, rather than sending a separate e-mail for each question or comment.

Testing the Beta

As mentioned above, each week we will concentrate on a certain aspect of the Dark Heresy Second Edition rules that we would like you to focus on testing in that week. This will allow us to take a deeper look at individual features, and help facilitate more in-depth discussions. Keep in mind, however, that these topics are just the focus for the week, and you are welcome to continue testing whatever aspect of the rules you wish at your own pace. Any and all feedback is welcome at any time.

For next week, we'd like everyone to concentrate on Chapters VIII, IX, and XII, covering Narrative Tools, the GM, and NPCs and Adversaries. Regarding Reinforcement Characters, does the system for calling in heroic individuals to aid the warband work well? Are the sample characters useful and balanced? If possible, try them out in your games and let us know if they are fun additions for your warband's adventures. We’re also planning on creating a GM Sheet, analogous to the Player Sheet, for the GM to use to record and reference important information. Any ideas or suggestions for this sheet would be welcome as well as suggestions for the new GM Screen. Finally, are there any problems using the NPCs or Adversaries in Chapter XII or in the Seeds of Heresy adventure? Do any of them need adjustment, different weapons, or new skills/talents? We plan on fine tuning them once the rest of the rules are settled, but any feedback now would be great.
We look forward to your thoughts and opinions as the beta progresses. Thank you all for your invaluable feedback and insight during this process! We appreciate your help in making Dark Heresy Second Edition the best game possible!

I know a lot of 40K players love Dark Heresy.  So check out the Fantasy Flight Website.
