A leaked Steel Legion image look to be fake.
Over on 4Chan, Steel Legion 0212 posted a pic of what appears to be new Steel Legion plastics.
And had this to say:
Sorry, but it was very dark in the Warehouse. And my phone is not that great for pictures anyways.
I saw several of these Steel Legion kits. A few big ones too, 2x Tanks and a Flyer, I think they are new.. Not a big IG fan so no idea if new or repack. There was also a bigger Sentinel. (super big size box) I guess that’s a new unit.
But is this real or fake? Here is why I think this is bullshit.
1) So this guy is walking around the GW warehouse at night? Really?
2) These supposedly injection molded plastic models are exactly what they were in metal but REVERSED. So we are to assume that GW merely took metal models and created injection molds in plastic that are EXACTLY the same but reversed? Not likely.
3) A box of 5 Imperial Guard? Who is going to build a guard army that needs 60-80 models minimum, 5 Guardsman at a time? GW seems intent on pricing their models out of reach of most people, but even this would be ridiculous.
So my take is this is a fake leak.