It's been quite some time since we've visited Middle-Earth.  Not for the lack of trying, however - we've literally been so swamped with mad gaming it's coming out of everyone's orifices.  Yet, the new season starts next game day, and The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game has it's triumphant return to Schedule 1!

This time, we're trying some nifty new things new all around.  The campaign is more of a dungeon crawl than an open wilderness battle.  It's set amidst a fouled reconnoitering of Moria by several groups of Men, and their mad flight from evil while trying to grab anything of value that they can along the way.  The terrain used will reflect the constricted areas of fighting, and the maps will resemble Dungeons & Dragons maps more than the sort we're used to.  Yet, we hope to open a discussion on how this sort of game can be achieved and look forward to sharing ideas all around.

This season's Halls of Moria (which has it's page on the State of Play -->) will be played cross-chapters!  That's right folks, the Smith & Co. down at the Texas Chapter will be fighting for treasure as well!  We will be holding a conference with those guys during a very long overdue reunion that is set to take place sometime in the next week to go over everything, but rest assured we'll see a lot of action in the first wargames season!

We're readying a metric ton of cool stuff to be traded / eBayed off for some of the stuff on the itenerary.  A full inventory and budget plan will be presented on Game Day in the next few weeks.  Big thanks to all the movers and shakers out there - you know who you are.

Be sure to check out the State of Play to get the skinny on the new campaign! We love your comments here, but cruise by FaceBook as well to discuss The Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game, or whichever game you like.  Just remember to keep as quiet as a goblin in the dark whilst navigating the unforgiving chambers of Moria...