It's that time of year again, when everyone is looking back at the year and what they have achieved... So I thought I'd join in the merriment! Fortunately in some respects, I am a pretty slow painter so this won't be too long a post, but here we go...

I finished 2012 with a squad of gaming standard Grey Knight Space Marines with the full intent to paint a whole army of those guys, but very quickly fell off the wagon and went back to my old 'display painting' ways. The first thing I completed (in February) was 'Poppy Come Lately' by Statuesque Miniatures for a small competition on Platoon Britannica... I may or may not have won the staffers contest...

March and April brought with them 2 greenskins - one 'Einstein' a bust by the talented Allan C for Figone, and another by CMoN for their Wrath of Kings Game. These bad-boys were my entries for the Salute painting competition, with Einstein picking me up a gong (hooh-yah)

Then, after a brief moment of 6mm madness, I worked on a handful of commissions for Studio McVey, Ax Faction and a piece for Warploque Miniatures.

May was this bad boy... 6mm Salamander Terminator

June was the Kickstarter Ltd Edition Vokker commission for Studio McVey

July was the Forsaken Princess for Ax Faction whom I had met at Salute earlier in the year. They must have liked what they saw, and seemed pretty pleased with this girly!

Then a jump to September... the ma-hoo-sive Bayourk for Warploque Miniatures. This was one of their new minis for their Arcworlde and an absolute joy to paint - bags of character! It was around this tie that I was seriously working on my Golden Demon entries for my first GD in 7 years.

September also brought my GD entries to completion - Radagast and the Salamander Marine. And of course, my favourite miniature related moment of the year... my first Golden Demon trophy! I can tick that off the list now :oP (Thanks to MrDee for the barbed wire on the Marine)

November brought another Commission for Ax faction, this time the first in their line of mounted miniatures with fully interchangeable mounts and riders - The Feral Lass

December has also been busy model-wise... two more commissions that are top secret at the moment, but also quite exciting, was the fact that I played a few games of 40K at my local GW store... and have started doing a new Space Marine army... yup, ARMY... its my challenge for next year! I want one of those uber-cool looking tabletop forces like you see online by people like Volomir with his High Elves and MrDee with his bad-ass Steel Legion Imperial Guard force...

This is the most models I have painted to this sort of standard for a very long time, so I am a happy bunny, and painting commissions for the likes of Studio McVey and Ax Faction have been a real highlight. All in all a great model-related year!

Let's see what 2014 brings!

Happy New Year everyone!!