A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 7,900 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 7 trips to carry that many people.
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Overall 2013 was a great year for new games. December was a little slower with only 11 games played due to the holidays. We picked it up at the end, though.
Total games played for 2013:
There were a total of 24 new games in 2013. There were also two new expansions for older games. Finally, there were two older games that were played in 2013, that we hadn’t played in 2012 (Railroads of Eastern US and Small World). Of those new games, there were really only a couple of duds. Most of them were quite excellent and received a ton of play. The tops being Terra Mystica and Village. Terra Mystica was a truly wonderful game that I really enjoyed. The group liked it as well. It hasn’t hit the table much recently, but I definitely intend to get it to the table often in 2014. Village was one that really clicked with some of the group. I didn’t love it, but it has it’s strengths. It is especially nice as a light, quick filler that still has some depth.
I don’t foresee quite as many new games in 2014, but I don’t think I could have guessed that we were going to play 24 new games in 2013 either.
2013 was a wonderful year, and I’m looking forward to a wonderful 2014.
Happy new year, and happy gaming!