Looking back at 2013, I can say that this past year, more than any other, has been focused on Warmachine. I'm usually pretty good about spreading my effort between historicals, fantasy and other projects...that just didn't happen this year. Not complaining though...I had a lot of very enjoyable Warmachine games this year against a wide array of super opponents.

On the modelling side, I finished off most of my Menoth collection early in the year. Here are some of the last 'casters I needed for a full collection.

And the new Bastian Seneschal (with friends)...

I was also able to finish off a number of great Table-top World terrain pieces. Like the graveyard...

...the smithy...

...and the merchant's house. I have plenty more of these great buildings to do, and hope to get to some more of them this year.

In the spring, I ran the MayDay Warmachine tournament. Very fun.

In June I flew down to Seattle and attended Lock & Load. Great Privateer Press convention...but I think I'm going to swing back to GenCon this summer instead.

Throughout the year I got in plenty of fun Tuesday night games...mostly with my buddy, Elliot. Always a great opponent with very well painted armies.

During the summer, I started into my main army project for the year, which was a Damiano Mercenary theme force. Most of the effort when into the 'jack camouflage painting, but the end result was worth the trouble.

Later in the year, I joined into the Thursday night Warmachine leagues up at our LGS, Thunderground, in St. Albert. There were many fun painting challenges that had to be met for these leagues. Here's a terrain piece I put together for one of the Journeyman leagues.

Toward the end of the year I led a series of three painting workshops up at Thunderground. We covered basing, skin, cloth and armor. You can get a lot of work done just knowing the few basic techniques required for these common figure painting areas.

Finally, at the end of the year, my new game room was completed. I've been looking forward to getting the basement renovated just for this purpose. I'm very happy with the end result, and look forward to hosting many friends here for gaming over the coming years.

That's 2013 in a nutshell. Maybe not as productive as past years in terms of raw output...but there's been plenty of great games and lots of friends met and made.

I hope everyone has a great 2014...and happy modelling!

'Til next time.