I prefer my Necrons shaken, not stirred, of course.

Howdy folks!

First off, hope you all had an incredible New Years, I know I did! Its nice to be back in the studio; I got back last night and, of course, jumped right back into painting! Nearly wrapped up my first Cultist Squad; I know I've said it before, but I'm slowing moving my little gob-cultists out, they'll need to be their own unit. Expect pictures of that soon. For now, though, I've wrapped up the first group of Necrons! Client wanted a blue scheme, so I opted for the beautiful contrast of black and ice-blue. They're Carolina Panthers fans, of course...

As you can see, wave one was a C'Tan, a Destroyer Lord, 3 Heavy Destroyers, and 5 Triarch Praetorians. The Praetorians are the Lord's bodyguard unit, the Destroyers provide long range, and the C'Tan makes a dreadful mess of things.

Had a lot of good feedback on this model! This is the only kit I've ever had problems with involving Finecast, as you can see by the face. The robes easily make up for it though. As a Star God, I wanted him to appear as if he was rematerializing into the physical realm. Would love to paint him again sometime!

The Praetorians. The trim on the black looks good, but got tedious fast. The ice blue really draws the eye around the piece, and they'll look good making sure Mr. Grumpy Lord doesn't take a stray round or two. 

Speaking of Mr. Grumpy Lord! The resin pieces needed some straightening, of course, and there's minor conversion work on the Resurrection Orb arm, but he came out rather nicely! 

Had to do the transfers on the back, the gold compliments the blue rather nicely.

I wanted the Resurrection Orb to have the same ethereal look as the robes of the C'tan, so he's now got a little galaxy in his hand (cue Men in Black references...)

Boy howdy, don't even get me started on them! Those long barrels were bent to hell when I got them, and even with straightening, they're still a little curved. The green rods helped a bit. I did some conversion work on these; the front one has an Immortal's head, the arm from a Cryptek, and his gun traded to the other side, just to add variety. 

These are also my first pictures taken with my new lightbox! Huzzah! Expect this format from here on out! These will be delivered to the client tomorrow, and I should be picking up the next wave of Necrons then. That group will be 10 Immortals and some Cryptek stand-ins, should be a fun group of models! Stay tuned folks!
