Next up, the tech adept for the Inquisitorial warband.

The model is a Lexmechanic, with an added mechadendrite - I don't think the player would be too happy if their character had no hands. 

In game terms, he'll be a non-combat character, but his intelligence and skill with machinery will prove invaluable. The mechandendrite will make him capable of simple physical tasks, but nothing too complex.

As far as the painting goes, he will match the NPC AdMech figures I have planned, with a slightly richer red than the robes worn by the cultists, and metal accents in gunmetal and tarnished brass.

The base matches my other Inquisitor bases - a tutorial will be forthcoming soon.

The mechadendrite was made from part of a guitar string and a clamp head from an unidentified plane model.

Magos and friends. I'm currently working on a couple of models for the warband - the aspiring inquisitor and a big brute to add some serious muscle. 

Up next is a basing tutorial for this style of basing.