Flames of War is burning bright here at the Wargate!  Going into it's second consecutive season, the WWII battle game has captured our imagination and hunger for knowledge.  The Eastern Front project has been very edifying, to say the least.  Now, we're going into The Demyansk Pocket to see what happens to our intrepid companies as they continue their tour of duty across Russia and Germany.

The real story of Demyansk begins with the encirclement of Kholm a month earlier.  Those interested in the actual events can begin their research here.  Though Russia historically won the war, in Demyansk the actual outcome is different.  Here, the Germans hold out for an entire year after our battle here is over.  Our regiments taking part in the battle around Demyansk will fight there - until Stavka reassigns them!

General Winter is a rule that's in effect for the campaign that simulates some of the effects of the extreme weather.  It makes it harder for certain actions to be accomplished, due to heavy snow, mud and the rugged Russian countryside.  This will add an element of urgency and danger to all maneuvers undertaken in what is sure to be a grudge-match campaign!

The State of Play is up!  We have some interesting stuff going on in the next few weeks as well, so make sure to stay up to date by visiting our FaceBook page!  We have a big meeting at noon on Sunday to discuss some new initiatives and this years' projects, so until then komrades - stay warm, stay alive, and I'll see you on Game Day!